Health Care Originals

Body-worn, Auscultation-based Continuous Respiratory Biomarker Platform

Quantifying the benefit of many therapies depends on understanding their respiratory impact, but current respiratory measurements rely on questionnaires, diagnostic testing, and/or manual data assessment, all of which are either episodic, expensive, subjective, or time-consuming. Our proprietary, non-invasive, body-worn sensor accurately and continuously captures and processes auscultation-based data such as cough count, breathing, heart rate, and apnea and pairs it with patient digital journal data. Our technology provides previously unavailable diagnostic-level testing data that is objective and granular, reducing complexity, assessment time, and cost. Three pharma firms and five academic medical centers have used our solution to develop novel lung-based digital biomarkers, including identifying patient subgroups within an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis trial. Through payors and employers, over 2,000 patients are actively using our additional coaching and insights platform to learn how to take their medications and manage their chronic respiratory conditions. We are currently focused on developing additional respiratory biomarkers with plans to extend into cardiology and osteology in 2024.

Rochester, NY
Sharon Samjitsingh, Co-founder & CEO
Jared Dwarika, Co-Founder & COO
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