
PharmStars featured on the Relentless Health Value podcast

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Original podcast published by Relentless Health Value on June 29, 2021

There is no shortage of digital health startups with innovative solutions with the potential to transform patient care. Likewise, there is no shortage of pharma company who want to bring more value to their patients, “beyond the pill”. So why aren’t we seeing greater adoption of digital health solutions, especially in pharma, where the potential is boundless? Digital health startups and pharma operate in two different worlds and without effort, education, and guidance they will continue to orbit one another, rather than connecting. In this Relentless Health Value podcast, Stacey Richter interviews Naomi Fried, PhD, founder and CEO of PharmStars, the first and only pharma-focused digital health accelerator. Naomi takes us through a composite “case study” to illustrate the pitfalls that frequently occur in pharma – startup engagements and suggests what each side can be doing differently to improve the odds of a successful partnership.

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